
Wireless Pentest

A wireless pentest is a security test where our team of experts examines the security of your wireless network. We use various tools and techniques to identify weaknesses in the wireless network and assess how easy it is to breach.
What are the


Conducting a risk analysis through a wireless pentest offers several key advantages. It can help improve the security of your wireless network and identify potential vulnerabilities, leading to a reduction in the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. Additionally, business processes can be further optimized by identifying weak points in the infrastructure and implementing improvements.

In summary, a wireless pentest is an effective means of enhancing the security of a wireless network while simultaneously improving the efficiency of the business.

White Box Pentest

We start with complete information about the target

Greybox Pentest

We start with limited information about the target

Black Box Pentest

We start without any additional information about the target

What do we do in a

Wireless Pentest

This pentest begins with developing a plan that outlines which security tests will be conducted and their objectives. Then, your organization’s wireless network is examined for weaknesses. We do this using automated tools and manual testing.

If we find weaknesses, these are reported to the organization, detailing how we were able to exploit the weakness and how it can be resolved.


Prices for Wireless Pentest

Wifi Pentest

  • One-time Pentest - 1 day
  • Manual testing by certified pentesters
  • Detection of (most recent) vulnerabilities and security risks
  • Detection of weak passwords or encryption
  • Man-in-the-Middle attacks
  • Evil Twin attacks
  • Management Report
  • Technical Report
More info

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